
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

YAY MAILBAG DAY jam-jelly-and honey OH MY!!!

Finally some mail is getting thru!!!!

I always love jam and jellies for my son as he adores jam sandwiches,,,, I have seen bovinebubbles alot and being that they are canadian, and have a huge selection of jams and whatnot I decided to try! Also since my order from a heartsy/etsy seller never showed up (if it was ever really shipped) 

It was a BIG splurge but made sense in the long run. For 53$ I could get 6 jars with expedited delivery! it works out to about 8$ and change per jar for 8 ounce jars I don't think that's it beats the supermarket selection.

I ordered 2 banana nut butters, 1 blueberry nectarine, one vanilla pear cinnamon, one strawberry mango and the one my son and grandchildren begged for 1 bubblegum apple jelly!

It arrived today!!!  beautifully jarred, VERY securely packaged....very impressed

we only have opened the banana nut bread butter...GOOD LORD!!! it's unreal. I had mine on rye bread, while my son mixed his in with plain oatmeal...we were BOTH impressed. I CANNOT wait to try the rest.

The seller was very helpful, informative and patient. I had some odd yet somple questions and she assured me all would be fine. 

Bovine bubbles also offers a great body line also....I would WITHOUT a doubt shop here again and reccomend this shop to anyone.

you can find the shop HERE

OH and before I forget....the honey selection is also great!!! lavender honey yum....that will be the next buy!

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