
Thursday, June 23, 2011

yuck SICK

sorry for the delay in posting.......I have  pnemonia...... yep in the summer. IT sucks! I am hopeful that I can ship the mass of packages on tuesday this week!   ARGH what a week....

It's hard to relax and get better with an adhd autistic 4.5 yr old boy who this week so far has been a dinosaur, boat, bowler (with vases of my grandmothers) and a's loud and hectic, i've had a headache LITERALLY for a week. 

I've worked on nothing new store wise, HECK, I've barely made dinner all week,,,,,, but I guess this is all the downtime i'll  be getting! 

hope you're all doing better

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear you've been sick- difficult when you're a mother, and with a shop too!

    Hoping the worst is over!

    Your newest follower,
