
Thursday, June 23, 2011

yuck SICK

sorry for the delay in posting.......I have  pnemonia...... yep in the summer. IT sucks! I am hopeful that I can ship the mass of packages on tuesday this week!   ARGH what a week....

It's hard to relax and get better with an adhd autistic 4.5 yr old boy who this week so far has been a dinosaur, boat, bowler (with vases of my grandmothers) and a's loud and hectic, i've had a headache LITERALLY for a week. 

I've worked on nothing new store wise, HECK, I've barely made dinner all week,,,,,, but I guess this is all the downtime i'll  be getting! 

hope you're all doing better

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Be careful what you wish for when it comes to heartsy

So I finally made it to heartsy   whoopie

having tried so hard to get featured, I realize what a waste of time it was... One person at heartsy would tell me one thing while someone else told me another... Than I was told that a certain amount of vip vouchers are issued,,which is a total lie   you see they don't set aside anything. they ASSUME it's 20-30%   in my case try 27 out of 36 sold were vip's///Our heartsy feature ended up COSTING me over 50$... not to mention stocking up on supplies for packaging, extra items made, worying about keeping up and so on...

I'm thrilled that some customers got some great deals and I got to clear out my store,  but at what cost. At the end of it all I think I had 3 people spend more than their voucher.....many of the people who voted and encouraged me did'nt shop with me (which is fine too i'm just sayin)

But the lowest of the low is how some stores (perhaps thru no fault of their own) seem to get multi day extensions, or giveaway promos on their pages that help them sell out with no rhyme or reason, while others don't even hear about it. Being pressured into vip stuff with the line of "well let's try it this way and see what happens"- because of course the better the vip deal the more sign up's they get at my cost....MANY times thru the day I asked for help and all day I was told well, lets see what happens thruout the day and guess what  it's 930pm and nobody has done SQUAT. I was offered 4$ per vip voucher to offset the money I lost  but considering I only wanted to do an extra 5$ for vip's ...well we know what i;m getting at. What blew my mind was the lies about the amount of vouchers "set aside" for vip's, that there is no such thing....they just assume a percentage,,,,and then a situation like mine comes up and "oh I guess we were wrong"

The whole situation has rubbed me the wrong way. I was invited to resubmit, but considering all of this not only don't I want to submit again, Id rather forget heartsy all together. I would hate to think there may be other sellers in the same shoes...i'd rather pay full price and let a seller not feel lied to, degraded, and lose their creative spirit.   I almost considered closing my store....wondering if the problem was me....

I am so glad I met new people, got to get rid of alot, but I am very suprised at what being a heartsy feature REALLY meant.... But I guess I don't believe in rising to the top on the backs of others...

Heartsy serves a purpose....But it is NOTHING like what it is simply another walmart or costco.....corporate greed has now  found it's way into the handmade world....the one nice pure thing left.....

Be careful what you wish for......because you might get it.  If you still want to try for heartsy go ahead....who am I to stop you. Months ago I would have read this post and thought it was "the sellers" problem.... but having read about broken promises to people who had issues, lies told and believe me thie list will grow, i've decided i'd rather pay an items true worth.....than make an artist question their worth.

So to heartsy... Thanks for Nothing!!! (oh except lying, not offering all sellers the same chance, not caring that some of us donate to charity) I hope you got what you wanted out of it....I sure did'nt...

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Seems about right.....

So this is a big update....i'll wait while you get comfy lol

Hubby tried to quit smoking a few weeks ago.....This week that is over  awwwwwwww poor guy. He has smoked since forever like 30-35 yrs. I feel bad for him. He never smokes in our home, and not often when at home with us, but he's a pretty cool guy and I like having him around, perhaps this will be revisited.

The boy is a whirlwind right now. I would like any name other than mom (yes I  know soon will come a day I will miss it but NOT today)  "mom that's not a dump truck it's an articulated dumper" (which I learned from a 4 yr old that it means it's wheels go up and down like our george forman grill hinge)
"mom that's not the middle of the flower, it's the stamen where the bee gets nectar to make honey in his hive"   DAMMIT!!!! He's getting smart to fast.......yeah, I'm worried, What do I do when he explains things to me, and I nod and smile pretending I already knew that!

Me and the boy is doing great. We have had a few blog reviews, a few new ad spots, and our heartsy feature tuesday the 14th....We're taking is more seriously. I ran a very successful business online thru ebay before this, but sadly it was never a great fit. I'm in a very good place right now, we all are.

Our camper opened...I try to get away when I can, but it's kind of a "mens camper". I get thru the weekend and tell hubby how great of time i'm having. After all he looks cute poking the fire with a huge stick of bamboo....he bbq's  so at least I don't have to cook.

Life is full, quiet, fun....I can't wait to see what's coming. Kind of a personal blog, i'm getting used to this blog thing now, and figure it's time to get to know each other a bit


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Amazing Day!

Well lots happened today. Nothing good came in the mail.....BUT   we GOT OUR HEARTSY DEAL  I am quite sertain we will be featured June 14th  Tuesday. It's an amazing chance for you to get some awesome deals on our items, plus we will be donating our regular 15% to autism/adhd community groups. THANK YOU ALL for the votes,  and support. It means the world. I've updated our site with over 15 new listings.

Not really new, you see I forgot about the expired listings folder...HA HA  found some of the most amazing pieces i'd forgotten about. Organized my studio....and cuddled on the couch with my true love!!! Ma Boy!


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

We have a pretty new post

we have a pretty new post in our shop. Let us know what you think!!!!

Click right here on these very words!!! <3

Thanks for following...more to come tommorow. A proper update perhaps?   Indeed

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

AND the results are in

If you were reading previous posts  than you would know that Ellen from Confessions of an overworked mom blog contacted us about doing a product review....well the results are in! And I think we did well. Ellen MUST be an overworked mom....she's an amazing blogger and seems to always be upto something online. It was nice to give her a chance to relax. Her blog is funny, very helpful and a great resource.

I would definatley suggest reading and folowing her's amazing in it's depth of info, and it's a nice fun easy read.

To read our review  click here --->

Thanks so much for the chance to shine!

we're humbled~ T&V   MATB

Monday, June 6, 2011

Just an idea of who runs things

on the advice of a follower I thought I would ad a pic of Me and the boy

                                                      my lil man   all of 4 yrs
nobody messes with his mom

                                           and even a nice pic  awwwwwwwwwwwwww

so now you have a better idea who runs this show....The Boy.....i\m just along for the fun


Can't kill my Monday high

yay monday...I love means the mail comes. Even during the Mail strike I am still getting stuff,,,

Today I got my heartsy deals I bought a few weeks ago from I got my four keychains today (she had an awesome 3/27$ deal) than I bought a round one. they are so perfect. oftem I see similar items from other sellers with up and down letters and scratches. THESE ARE GLORIOUS!!! perfect and I love them. Seller is so easy to deal with and made sure I had these before school ended (2 are teachers gifts)

Than I found this amazing purse/handbag maker  her work is amazing.... not a master seamstress, but well on the rise her eye for detail is stellar and her sense of style is amazing.. I purchased it's amazing.... The dark burnt-ish orange liner is a perfect match.. I know i'll be shopping here again soon (much to my closets dismay).

So that's this Monday in my mail

On another note many of you are asking why am I doing notecards for 1$. It's simple I got alot of paper sitting around.....cardstock, scrapbook paper and MORE... Rather than throw it out i'd rather stamp it and sell 4/1$. seems silly when you pay a 20 cent etsy fee to list, plus a percentage to etsy and paypal so it works out to 60-67 cents BUT it also allows me to offer something small to perhaps go with an existing purchase, meet new customers, offer something for EVERYONE and also helps build my feedback which is worth WAY WAY more than 67 cents. My feedback is my lifeline I think. When someone is deciding weather to buy from me my feedback says things like......Well made, Well constructed, fast shipping.... these are great comments I can't fake and it also gives me alot to live up to, and it pleases me to no end that people notice the work I put into is 1$ a waste.....I prefer to see it as a great investment. And besides it really does'nt take alot top stamp and cut the top of a piece of paper. We also refund excess shipping over 1$ so people know we save them as much as we can.  check out these lil beauties

see you all soon!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

DAY alone

I have the whole day alone.....I plan to post tonight but I wanted to take a quick sec to say hi to our new followers   THANKS FOR FOLLOWING!!!!!  

Friday, June 3, 2011

My love of clean

Okay so if the world ever runs out of soaps they only need to find me!!!  I have enough for all of us!
So I thought i'd share my faves!!!

Every since heartsy opened their online wonderland (sign up here and we both get 5$ free)   I have indulged over and over again with the added bonus of huge savings. Not all are great but some really stand out! AND heartsy gets deals sometimes upto 60-65% off.

My first try was Anderson Soap company  He makes the most beautiful room sprays I have ever smelled with only 3 ingredients, BUT his black charcoal soap is the reason my face is so clean and clear this year..... Other notable products are Raven room spray (kind of like nag champra but brighter)  Lemongrass room spray, and his wilderness soap  YUMMY

Flowering tree botanicals is a great store with great customer service and getting big sizes of something you adore (like their nag champra body lotion) is never a hassle.....  There scents are more natural than alot of the heavily commercial scents...  There bath salts in lavender are HEAVEN!  Definatley worth a try....or two

Mountain creek soaps is a lovely little shop with great lavender bath teas....Drop this cheesecloth bag full of dried lavender teabag in a hot bath and lay back and relax.....I also scored a lovely ball pint mason jar for one of the best prices ever

Quintescentials Provides VERY fast shipping and lots of items to keep you squeaky clean...I have fallen in love with their solid perfumes....lavender vanilla smells better than alot of perfume I own, it's small size means I can take it anywhere!!!

These are a few of my faves......I have alot and alot more on the way and will keep you posted... Thanks for keeping me broke but clean!!!!!